Monday, May 18, 2015

What I Did Instead

I have a secret. I started this blog because I was feeling left out because I did not get invited to ONE dance. (Later, to my excitement, I heard that the dance wasn't fun anyway, but that's a different story.) Before the night of the dance (May 9, 2015), I conducted some research on things that I could do that would take my mind off the dance and keep me happy and focused on positive things instead of the dance. I wrote everything I did down in my journal, and this is what I did!


-Read outside
-Ate a bagel with cream cheese
-Took a screen break
-Did my homework outside
-Ate starbursts
-Exfoliated my legs
-Shaved nicely
-Gave myself a hair mask
-Watched Smosh Games
-Face mask
-Jammed to The Red Hot Chili Peppers
-Played my Detective Game
-Perfected Winged Liner
-Did some cool eyeshadow looks
-Cleaned makeup brushes
-Browse positive tags

Some of these are weird and random, but they were all things that make me happy and took my mind off of something I thought I was missing out on. If you have any questions on the things I did, feel free to ask in the comments below! Also, I would like to share some of my favorite things from the positive tags on tumblr that I browsed. 
  • "You deserve flowers on your doorstep and coffee in the morning. You deserve notes left on your dashboard and ice cream sundaes at 3 am. You deserve honesty everyday and to be kissed every hour. You deserve to be reminded how beautiful you are."
  • "Shout out to all the poor girls who are fashion queen and rock outfits they saved up for months ago. To all the poor girls who can only afford drug store makeup and make that wing on point. To all the low income ladies who are beautiful and work so hard to look flawless. To all the poor girls who may not have a few nice things, but dream. You make the world go round." (This one is great because it shows that even if you don't have a lot of money you still rock everything, but I don't like the part where it says "work so hard to look flawless" because I believe everybody is the best they can be and you don't need to look flawless to be beautiful and wonderful. I'm sure that is not what the author meant, but I just thought I should point it out.)
  • "She has fire in her soul and grace in her heart."
  • "First: realize it's ok. Second: Stop looking for 'something' to pick you up. Simply get up and move. Daily gratitude is advised when you are high and low, so do it anyway. Remember, you are loved and good enough."
  • "I don't have everything I want, but I have everything I need."
  • "Everyday I wake up as someone slightly new. Isn't it wild and intriguing and beautiful to think that everyday we are new?" -Taylor Swift
  • "I hope you know that who you are is who you choose to be. And that whispers behind your back don't define you. You are the only one who gets to decide what you will be remembered for." -Taylor Swift (These last two quotes are from the introduction to her 1989 album that can be found in the lyric booklet that comes with the album.)

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